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TRNT is based in North America, committed to helping every student aspiring for international higher education realize their dream of 'Study + Employment.

About TRNT

Once, we too held dreams, carrying the expectations of our families, standing at the starting point of studying abroad. Leaving behind parents and familiar friends, entering an unfamiliar environment with all-English instruction, we suddenly lost all our familiar supports. Facing the dual pressures of academic study and mental well-being, we encountered challenges, both small like doing laundry and cooking, and significant like renting a house and buying a car. There were first times missing the last bus and going to the hospital alone.

We understand that every international student is a source of pride for their parents, and every family spares no effort in education. We are even more aware of the academic stress, loneliness, social difficulties, and uncertainties about future careers in the life of an international student. Despite facing numerous setbacks, it is still possible to find direction in these confusing years.

During the years from 18 to 24, we had to face so many challenges. However, it is in this process, through unremitting efforts and exploration, that we accumulated rich overseas education experience, contributing to CloudRise's position in the education sector.

Looking back, every year, there are still many younger students experiencing similar difficulties. In these years that have a huge impact on the formation of worldviews and values, we hope to use our experience and capabilities to integrate various overseas social resources, alleviating the pressure and impact they bear during this period.

We are committed to providing fair, just, enlightened, and professional study abroad and post-study abroad services, becoming the resonator for the dreams of international students and a strong backing in a foreign land, so that future students no longer have to go through the hardships and confusion we experienced, having a more beautiful and sunny study abroad journey.

TRNT Study Abroad, wherever you are, we will echo for you.


Gathered moments, warm clouds form sails;

Scattered moments, a future of splendor awaits

Flying Seagulls



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200-1112 W Pender, Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6E 2S1

+1 778-686-2834

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